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increased production

  • 1 increased production output

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > increased production output

  • 2 aim at/for increased production

    aim at/for increased production

    English-Dutch dictionary > aim at/for increased production

  • 3 production

    1) (the act or process of producing something: car-production; The production of the film cost a million dollars.) produktion
    2) (the amount produced, especially of manufactured goods: The new methods increased production.) produktion
    3) (a particular performance, or set of repeated performances, of a play etc: I prefer this production of `Hamlet' to the one I saw two years ago.) opsætning
    * * *
    1) (the act or process of producing something: car-production; The production of the film cost a million dollars.) produktion
    2) (the amount produced, especially of manufactured goods: The new methods increased production.) produktion
    3) (a particular performance, or set of repeated performances, of a play etc: I prefer this production of `Hamlet' to the one I saw two years ago.) opsætning

    English-Danish dictionary > production

  • 4 production

    1) (the act or process of producing something: car-production; The production of the film cost a million dollars.) producción
    2) (the amount produced, especially of manufactured goods: The new methods increased production.) producción
    3) (a particular performance, or set of repeated performances, of a play etc: I prefer this production of `Hamlet' to the one I saw two years ago.) puesta en escena, producción
    production n producción
    1 (gen) producción nombre femenino; (manufacture) fabricación nombre femenino, producción nombre femenino
    2 (showing) presentación nombre femenino
    3 SMALLTHEATRE/SMALL (show produced) producción nombre femenino
    4 (of film) producción nombre femenino; (of play) producción nombre femenino, puesta en escena; (of tv programme) realización nombre femenino
    1 de producción
    to go into production empezar a fabricarse
    to take something out of production dejar de fabricar algo
    production line cadena de montaje
    production [prə'dʌkʃən] n
    : producción f
    producción s.f.
    producto s.m.
    representación s.f.
    1) u
    a) ( manufacture) fabricación f, producción f
    b) ( output) producción f

    car/coal production — producción automovilística/de carbón

    2) u ( showing) presentación f

    on production of the correct documents — al presentar la documentación correspondiente, previa presentación de la documentación correspondiente

    3) c (staging, version) (Theat, Cin) producción f
    4) u
    a) ( act of producing) (Cin, TV) producción f; ( Theat) puesta f en escena, producción f
    b) ( direction) (Rad, Theat) dirección f
    1. N
    1) (=making) producción f ; (=manufacture) producción f, fabricación f

    the factory is in full production — la fábrica trabaja a plena capacidad

    the car is due to go into production later this year — está previsto que el coche empiece a fabricarse este año

    to put sth into production — lanzar algo a la producción

    to take sth out of production — [+ product] dejar de fabricar algo; [+ land] dejar de cultivar algo

    mass II, 4.
    2) (=output) (Ind, Agr) producción f ; (Art, Literat) obra f

    the firm exports 90% of its production — la empresa exporta el 90% de lo que produce or de su producción

    industrial/oil production — producción f industrial/de aceite

    3) (=act of showing) presentación f
    4) (Media)
    a) (=act of producing) (Theat) producción f, puesta f en escena; (Cine, TV, Rad) realización f

    the series goes into production in March — la serie empezará a realizarse en marzo

    b) (=play, film, programme) (Theat) representación f, montaje m ; (Cine, TV) producción f

    the opera has yet to receive its first productionno se ha hecho nunca una representación or montaje de la ópera, la ópera nunca se ha representado

    - make a production out of sth

    he made a real production out of it! — ¡montó un verdadero show! *

    CPD [process, department, costs, quota] de producción

    production agreement N(US) acuerdo m de productividad

    production assistant N — (Cine, TV) ayudante mf de realización

    production company N — (TV) (compañía f) productora f

    production costs NPLcostes mpl de producción

    production line Ncadena f de fabricación or montaje

    production manager N — (Ind) jefe(-a) m / f de producción; (Cine, TV) jefe(-a) m / f de realización

    production run Nserie f de producción

    * * *
    1) u
    a) ( manufacture) fabricación f, producción f
    b) ( output) producción f

    car/coal production — producción automovilística/de carbón

    2) u ( showing) presentación f

    on production of the correct documents — al presentar la documentación correspondiente, previa presentación de la documentación correspondiente

    3) c (staging, version) (Theat, Cin) producción f
    4) u
    a) ( act of producing) (Cin, TV) producción f; ( Theat) puesta f en escena, producción f
    b) ( direction) (Rad, Theat) dirección f

    English-spanish dictionary > production

  • 5 production

    1) (bringing forward) (of evidence) Erbringung, die; (in physical form) Vorlage, die; (of witness) Beibringung, die; (of passport etc.) Vorzeigen, das
    2) (public presentation) (Cinemat.) Produktion, die; (Theatre) Inszenierung, die; (of record, book) Herausgabe, die
    3) (action of making) Produktion, die; (manufacturing) Herstellung, die; (thing produced) Produkt, das

    be in/go into production — in Produktion sein/gehen

    be or have gone out of production — nicht mehr hergestellt werden; see also academic.ru/45478/mass_production">mass production

    4) (thing created) Werk, das; (Brit. Theatre): (show produced) Inszenierung, die
    5) (causing) Hervorrufen, das
    6) (bringing into being) Hervorbringung, die
    7) (process of yielding) Produktion, die; (Mining) Förderung, die

    the mine has ceased productiondas Bergwerk hat die Förderung eingestellt

    8) (yield) Ertrag, der

    [the] annual/total production from the mine — die jährliche/gesamte Förderleistung des Bergwerks

    * * *
    1) (the act or process of producing something: car-production; The production of the film cost a million dollars.) die Produktion
    2) (the amount produced, especially of manufactured goods: The new methods increased production.) die Produktion
    3) (a particular performance, or set of repeated performances, of a play etc: I prefer this production of `Hamlet' to the one I saw two years ago.) die Aufführung
    * * *
    I. n
    1. no pl (process) Produktion f, Herstellung f; of coal Förderung f; of energy Erzeugung f
    \production of agricultural products Erzeugung f landwirtschaftlicher Produkte
    to be [no longer] in \production [nicht mehr] hergestellt werden
    to go into \production (factory) die Produktion aufnehmen; (product) in Produktion [o Fertigung] gehen
    2. no pl (yield) Produktion f
    drop in \production Produktionsrückgang m
    agricultural \production landwirtschaftliche Produktion
    industrial \production Industrieproduktion f
    3. no pl FILM, TV, RADIO, MUS Produktion f; THEAT Inszenierung f
    to do the \production [on a record] [eine Schallplatte] produzieren
    to get into \production in das Produzieren einsteigen fam
    to go into \production produziert werden
    4. (finished film, etc.) Produktion f; (version of play/opera) Inszenierung f
    5. no pl ( form: presentation) Vorweisen nt, Vorlegen nt
    entry is permitted on \production of a ticket Einlass nur gegen Vorlage einer Karte
    upon \production of your documents bei Vorlage Ihrer Papiere
    to make a \production [number] of sth aus etw dat ein Drama machen
    II. n modifier
    1. (of factory) (output, worker) Produktions-, Fertigungs-
    \production schedule Fertigungsplan m
    2. FILM (company, quality, studio) Produktions-
    * * *
    1) Produktion f; (IND) Produktion f, Herstellung f; (of electricity, energy, heat) Erzeugung f; (of crop) Anbau m; (of coal) Förderung f, Produktion f; (of book, article, essay) Schreiben nt; (of painting, sculpture) Anfertigung f; (of ideas, novel etc, masterpiece) Hervorbringung f

    to put sth into productiondie Herstellung or Produktion von etw aufnehmen

    when the new car goes into production —

    when we go into production ( with this new model) — wenn wir (mit diesem neuen Modell) in die Produktion or Herstellung gehen

    to take sth out of productionetw aus der Produktion nehmen

    2) (= output) Produktion f
    3) (= bringing forward, showing) (of ticket, documents) Vorzeigen nt; (of proof, evidence) Lieferung f, Beibringung f; (of witness) Beibringung f
    4) (of play) Inszenierung f; (of film) Produktion f

    there's no need to make a production ( number) (out) of it (inf)es ist nicht notwendig, daraus eine Staatsaffäre zu machen (inf)

    * * *
    production [prəˈdʌkʃn] s
    1. (Kälte-, Strom- etc) Erzeugung f, (Rauch- etc) Bildung f:
    production of current (smoke)
    2. WIRTSCH Produktion f, Herstellung f, Erzeugung f, Fabrikation f, Fertigung f:
    be in production serienmäßig hergestellt werden;
    be in good production in genügend großer Menge oder Zahl hergestellt werden;
    a) die Produktion aufnehmen (Fabrik),
    b) in Produktion gehen (Ware)
    3. a) CHEM, MINER, Bergbau: Gewinnung f:
    production of gold Goldgewinnung
    b) Bergbau: Förderleistung f
    4. (Arbeits)Erzeugnis n, ( auch Natur)Produkt n, Fabrikat n
    5. fig ( meist literarisches) Produkt, Ergebnis n, Werk n, Schöpfung f, Frucht f
    6. Hervorbringen n (von Künstlern etc)
    7. Vorlage f (seines Ausweises etc)
    8. Beibringung f (von Zeugen, Beweisen etc)
    9. Vorbringen n, Anführung f (von Gründen)
    10. Hervorholen n, -ziehen n ( beide:
    from aus der Tasche etc)
    11. MATH Verlängerung f
    12. THEAT etc Aufführung f, Inszenierung f:
    make a production (out) of sth fig umg viel Theater um etwas machen
    13. a) FILM, TV Produktion f
    b) THEAT, RADIO Br Regie f, Spielleitung f
    * * *
    1) (bringing forward) (of evidence) Erbringung, die; (in physical form) Vorlage, die; (of witness) Beibringung, die; (of passport etc.) Vorzeigen, das
    2) (public presentation) (Cinemat.) Produktion, die; (Theatre) Inszenierung, die; (of record, book) Herausgabe, die
    3) (action of making) Produktion, die; (manufacturing) Herstellung, die; (thing produced) Produkt, das

    be in/go into production — in Produktion sein/gehen

    be or have gone out of production — nicht mehr hergestellt werden; see also mass production

    4) (thing created) Werk, das; (Brit. Theatre): (show produced) Inszenierung, die
    5) (causing) Hervorrufen, das
    6) (bringing into being) Hervorbringung, die
    7) (process of yielding) Produktion, die; (Mining) Förderung, die
    8) (yield) Ertrag, der

    [the] annual/total production from the mine — die jährliche/gesamte Förderleistung des Bergwerks

    * * *
    (drama) n.
    Inszenierung f. n.
    Erzeugung f.
    Herstellung f.
    Produktion f.
    Regie -n (Theater, Fernsehen) f.

    English-german dictionary > production

  • 6 production

    [prə'dʌkʃn] 1.
    1) agr. ind. (of crop, foodstuffs, metal) produzione f.; (of machinery, furniture, cars) fabbricazione f., produzione f.

    to go into o be in production essere prodotto; to be in full production [ factory] essere in piena produzione; to take land out of production — sospendere lo sfruttamento di un terreno

    2) (output) produzione f. (anche biol. fis.)
    3) (presentation) (of document, ticket, report) presentazione f.; (of evidence) produzione f.
    4) cinem. teatr. rad. telev. produzione f.

    X's production of "Hamlet" — allestimento di X dell'"Amleto"

    to put on a production ofteatr. mettere in scena [ play]

    modificatore [costs, levels, methods, company, manager, quota, unit] di produzione; [control, department] della produzione
    * * *
    1) (the act or process of producing something: car-production; The production of the film cost a million dollars.) produzione
    2) (the amount produced, especially of manufactured goods: The new methods increased production.) produzione
    3) (a particular performance, or set of repeated performances, of a play etc: I prefer this production of `Hamlet' to the one I saw two years ago.) (messa in scena)
    * * *
    [prə'dʌkʃn] 1.
    1) agr. ind. (of crop, foodstuffs, metal) produzione f.; (of machinery, furniture, cars) fabbricazione f., produzione f.

    to go into o be in production essere prodotto; to be in full production [ factory] essere in piena produzione; to take land out of production — sospendere lo sfruttamento di un terreno

    2) (output) produzione f. (anche biol. fis.)
    3) (presentation) (of document, ticket, report) presentazione f.; (of evidence) produzione f.
    4) cinem. teatr. rad. telev. produzione f.

    X's production of "Hamlet" — allestimento di X dell'"Amleto"

    to put on a production ofteatr. mettere in scena [ play]

    modificatore [costs, levels, methods, company, manager, quota, unit] di produzione; [control, department] della produzione

    English-Italian dictionary > production

  • 7 production

    1) (the act or process of producing something: car-production; The production of the film cost a million dollars.) izdelovanje
    2) (the amount produced, especially of manufactured goods: The new methods increased production.) proizvodnja
    3) (a particular performance, or set of repeated performances, of a play etc: I prefer this production of `Hamlet' to the one I saw two years ago.) izvedba
    * * *
    izdelovanje, pridelovanje, produkcija; chemistry mineralogy pridobivanje (npr. zlata); izdelki, fabrikat, pridelek; figuratively plod, sad, stvaritev, književno ali umetniško delo; predložitev (dokazov, listin itd.); mathematics podaljšanje črte; theatre uprizoritev, insceniranje; (film) režija, umetniško vodstvo, produkcija
    production capacity — proizvodnost, produkcijska zmogljivost

    English-Slovenian dictionary > production

  • 8 production

    1) (the act or process of producing something: car-production; The production of the film cost a million dollars.)
    2) (the amount produced, especially of manufactured goods: The new methods increased production.) produção
    3) (a particular performance, or set of repeated performances, of a play etc: I prefer this production of `Hamlet' to the one I saw two years ago.) produção
    * * *
    [prəd'∧kʃən] n 1 produção: a) fabricação, manufatura. b) exposição, apresentação (de documentos, testemunhas, etc.). c) obra, criação, realização, produto. d) obra literária ou artística. e) Theat exibição, encenação. 2 Geom prolongamento, extensão. mass production produção em série. to make a production out of something fazer alarde sobre alguma coisa a fim de que pareça mais importante do que é.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > production

  • 9 production

    produkcja f; ( THEAT) wystawienie nt (sztuki), inscenizacja f

    to go into productionzostawać (zostać perf) wdrożonym do produkcji

    * * *
    1) (the act or process of producing something: car-production; The production of the film cost a million dollars.) produkcja
    2) (the amount produced, especially of manufactured goods: The new methods increased production.) produkcja
    3) (a particular performance, or set of repeated performances, of a play etc: I prefer this production of `Hamlet' to the one I saw two years ago.) inscenizacja

    English-Polish dictionary > production

  • 10 production

    1) (the act or process of producing something: car-production; The production of the film cost a million dollars.) production
    2) (the amount produced, especially of manufactured goods: The new methods increased production.) production
    3) (a particular performance, or set of repeated performances, of a play etc: I prefer this production of `Hamlet' to the one I saw two years ago.) mise en scène

    English-French dictionary > production

  • 11 production

    1) (the act or process of producing something: car-production; The production of the film cost a million dollars.) produksjon, framstilling
    2) (the amount produced, especially of manufactured goods: The new methods increased production.) produksjon
    3) (a particular performance, or set of repeated performances, of a play etc: I prefer this production of `Hamlet' to the one I saw two years ago.) oppsetting, produksjon
    subst. \/prəˈdʌkʃ(ə)n\/
    1) produksjon, fremstilling, tilvirkning
    2) avling, frembringelse
    3) produkt, produksjon
    4) ( litterært) (kunstnerisk) verk, produksjon, åndsprodukt, åndsverk
    5) fremlegging, forevisning, fremskaffelse, fremvisning
    6) ( teater) regi, iscenesetting, oppsetning, oppføring
    7) ( teater) stykke, forestilling
    8) ( film) produksjon, innspilling
    9) ( geometri) forlengelse

    English-Norwegian dictionary > production

  • 12 production

    1) (the act or process of producing something: car-production; The production of the film cost a million dollars.) framleiðsla
    2) (the amount produced, especially of manufactured goods: The new methods increased production.) framleiðsla
    3) (a particular performance, or set of repeated performances, of a play etc: I prefer this production of `Hamlet' to the one I saw two years ago.) uppfærsla

    English-Icelandic dictionary > production

  • 13 production

    * * *
    1) (the act or process of producing something: car-production; The production of the film cost a million dollars.) gyártás; produkció
    2) (the amount produced, especially of manufactured goods: The new methods increased production.) előállítás, termelés
    3) (a particular performance, or set of repeated performances, of a play etc: I prefer this production of `Hamlet' to the one I saw two years ago.) produkció

    English-Hungarian dictionary > production

  • 14 production

    n. üretme, üretim, yapım, imal, yapıt, eser
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (the act or process of producing something: car-production; The production of the film cost a million dollars.) üretme, imalât
    2) (the amount produced, especially of manufactured goods: The new methods increased production.) üretim miktarı
    3) (a particular performance, or set of repeated performances, of a play etc: I prefer this production of `Hamlet' to the one I saw two years ago.) yapım

    English-Turkish dictionary > production

  • 15 production

    • tuotto
    • tuottaminen
    • tuotanto
    • tuottaminen(koodin)
    • tuote teos
    • tuotos
    • versio
    • esittäminen
    • esitys
    • aikaansaannos
    • valmistus
    • produktio
    • teos
    • lavastus
    * * *
    1) (the act or process of producing something: car-production; The production of the film cost a million dollars.) tuotanto
    2) (the amount produced, especially of manufactured goods: The new methods increased production.) tuotanto
    3) (a particular performance, or set of repeated performances, of a play etc: I prefer this production of `Hamlet' to the one I saw two years ago.) esitys

    English-Finnish dictionary > production

  • 16 production

    1) (the act or process of producing something: car-production; The production of the film cost a million dollars.) ražošana; (filmas) uzņemšana; (lugas u.tml.) uzvedums
    2) (the amount produced, especially of manufactured goods: The new methods increased production.) produkcija; ražošana
    3) (a particular performance, or set of repeated performances, of a play etc: I prefer this production of `Hamlet' to the one I saw two years ago.) iestudējums
    * * *
    ražošana; ražojums, produkts; uzrādīšana; inscenējums, uzvedums; pagarinājums, turpinājums

    English-Latvian dictionary > production

  • 17 production

    1) (the act or process of producing something: car-production; The production of the film cost a million dollars.) gamyba
    2) (the amount produced, especially of manufactured goods: The new methods increased production.) produkcija
    3) (a particular performance, or set of repeated performances, of a play etc: I prefer this production of `Hamlet' to the one I saw two years ago.) pastatymas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > production

  • 18 production

    n. produktion, framställning; produkt; regi (film)
    * * *
    1) (the act or process of producing something: car-production; The production of the film cost a million dollars.) produktion
    2) (the amount produced, especially of manufactured goods: The new methods increased production.) produktion
    3) (a particular performance, or set of repeated performances, of a play etc: I prefer this production of `Hamlet' to the one I saw two years ago.) uppsättning

    English-Swedish dictionary > production

  • 19 production

    1) (the act or process of producing something: car-production; The production of the film cost a million dollars.) výroba
    2) (the amount produced, especially of manufactured goods: The new methods increased production.) výroba
    3) (a particular performance, or set of repeated performances, of a play etc: I prefer this production of `Hamlet' to the one I saw two years ago.) inscenace
    * * *
    • tvorba
    • výroba
    • výrobní
    • výtvor
    • plod
    • produkční
    • produkce
    • dílo

    English-Czech dictionary > production

  • 20 production

    1) (the act or process of producing something: car-production; The production of the film cost a million dollars.) výroba
    2) (the amount produced, especially of manufactured goods: The new methods increased production.) výroba
    3) (a particular performance, or set of repeated performances, of a play etc: I prefer this production of `Hamlet' to the one I saw two years ago.) inscenácia
    * * *
    • výroba
    • produkcia

    English-Slovak dictionary > production

См. также в других словарях:

  • increased adrenocortical activity — increased production of hormones in the cortex of the adrenal glands …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Production car racing — includes all categories of auto racing where unmodified (or very lightly modified) cars race each other, outright and also in classes. All cars usually have a protective roll cage and run race tires (either slicks or radial). Some freedoms are… …   Wikipedia

  • production, theory of — ▪ economics Introduction       in economics, an effort to explain the principles by which a business firm decides how much of each commodity that it sells (its “outputs” or “products”) it will produce, and how much of each kind of labour, raw… …   Universalium

  • Production function — Graph of Total, Average, and Marginal Product In microeconomics and macroeconomics, a production function is a function that specifies the output of a firm, an industry, or an entire economy for all combinations of inputs. This function is an… …   Wikipedia

  • Production theory basics — In microeconomics, Production is simply the conversion of inputs into outputs. It is an economic process that uses resources to create a commodity that is suitable for exchange. This can include manufacturing, storing, shipping, and packaging.… …   Wikipedia

  • Production–possibility frontier — In economics, a production–possibility frontier (PPF), sometimes called a production–possibility curve or product transformation curve, is a graph that compares the production rates of two commodities that use the same fixed total of the factors… …   Wikipedia

  • Production-possibility frontier — In economics, a production possibility frontier (PPF) or “transformation curve” is a graph that shows the different rates of production of two goods that an economy (or agent) could efficiently produce with limited productive resources. Points… …   Wikipedia

  • production — noun 1 making/growing sth ADJECTIVE ▪ full, full scale ▪ The machine will go into full production in November 2002. ▪ large scale, mass, volume ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • production — noun 1 (U) the process of making or growing things to be sold as products, or the amount that is produced: The production of consumer goods has increased throughout the world. | Smoking is banned in the factory s production areas. | production… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Production logo — A production logo is used by movie studios and television production companies to brand what they produce. Production logos are usually seen at the beginning of a theatrical movie (an opening logo ), or at the end of a television program or TV… …   Wikipedia

  • Increased — Increase In*crease , v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Increased}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Increasing}.] [OE. incresen, encresen, enrescen, OF. encreistre, fr. L. increscere; pref. in in + crescere to grow. See {Crescent}, and cf. {Decrease}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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